Ebony Barefoot Dangling out of Birkenstocks and out of Nike Sneakers

Two videos for the price of one, I caught this ebony woman dangling out of Birkenstocks and later out of her Nike sneakers in the same week. She originally had her Birkenstocks off but she had them on during the video, however she was dangling her Birkenstocks off of her feet repeatedly and you get a good view of her red toes. After 7 minutes of that, you’ll see the second video where she is completely barefoot out of her sneakers. In the beginning of that, she sits with her feet on her seat and she’s using her fingers to play with her toes, eventually she puts her feet down and starts rubbing and stretching her feet, showing a great view of her soles. Lots of quality and value for a near 13 minute video.

Length: 12:46 (12 minutes and 46 seconds)
Price: $5


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