Ebony Barefoot out of Adidas Racers

In a weird turn of events, this ebony woman went from taking her shoes off on the rare occasion to taking them off everyday. The first time was when her shoes and ped sock were off and that took me by surprise, then a couple of times with her shoes off and her ped socks on. Now all of a sudden, not only is  she taking off her shoes off, but also she decided to not wear socks anymore as well, she quickly became a frequent catch and this is the first of many completely barefoot videos to come.

Length: 28:14 (28 minutes and 14 seconds)
Price: $15


Available from either Cashapp or Paypal click the image to send payment. Send email or discord account and name of the video in the message for me to send the video link to.

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3 thoughts on “Ebony Barefoot out of Adidas Racers

  1. Pichon Gilmore says:

    Hey fam I would like to purchase the Ebony barefoot out of racers, just two questions how soon can I expect the video and what’s the quality like?

      • Pichon Gilmore says:

        Hey wassup bro, I just purchased Big Soles Next to Heater I even titled it B S N T H you can send it to the email I gave on here when you get a chance

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